We have our weeks, months where nothing goes right, where you need to get away and be reborn...Our time away from civilization several weeks ago was just that...A time to reflect and realize why HAWAII NEI is truly Paradise.

We ventured across the Ko'olau mountain range last week and spent the weekend Hiking and camping in peace across the ridgelines. From up here you can't realize how over populated the island of Oahu is. So few ever see these parts of the island and even fewer know how to traverse them. It refreshing to still be able to get away from civilization and breathe.

The crew and I have been contemplating if a weekend get away would be something travelers would be interested in...Hiking and exploring during the day while educating the guests and then camping during the nights...it would be a 48 hour adventure, but an adventure few would ever forget. I got a feeling people would be down as long as they are capable and can handle themselves up at the summits with us.

Some of the most amazing Sunrises and Sunsets happen in Hawaii, but if you have the chance to catch them at the top of the Ko'olau summit with good friends all alone...You just can't beat that. In silence we just watch the Sun set, got a few pics, and took in the final warmth of the day before we new the cold night was ahead of us in our tents. It was only a matter of time before the clouds and fog would be moving in.

Surrounded by the majestic mountains and clouds we settled in for the night knowing it was going to be a little cold. It's not unusual for it to be in the 50's up there...long as you prepare and have some warm cloths, by time morning comes it warms up pretty quick. Lucky for us it didn't rain for us.

Another sunrise had come and we took on the day with a full hike across the Ko'olaus. It was a beautiful day, even better than the day before. We could ask for a better day to cross the KST and return down the ridge to get back to civilization for some Majah Grindz...Hiking food just wasn't going to cut it...lol.
I can imagine us heading up into the Ko'olaus and crossing the KST and spending the weekend with guests...The Crew and I all recognized that this kind of experience would be a once in a lifetime or even a yearly adventure. It's definitely something I would like to do just for my own sanity a few times a year...to just get away from the world...even if it's only for 48 hours.